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Mossburn Community Farm Summer Club

Mossburn Community Farm Mossburn Community Farm, Hightae, Lockerbie

Wed & Thu – 3rd July – 15th Aug Do you have an animal mad child to entertain over the...Read More→

Mossburn Community Farm Summer Club

Mossburn Community Farm Mossburn Community Farm, Hightae, Lockerbie

Wed & Thu – 3rd July – 15th Aug Do you have an animal mad child to entertain over the...Read More→

Mossburn Community Farm Summer Club

Mossburn Community Farm Mossburn Community Farm, Hightae, Lockerbie

Wed & Thu – 3rd July – 15th Aug Do you have an animal mad child to entertain over the...Read More→

Mossburn Community Farm Summer Club

Mossburn Community Farm Mossburn Community Farm, Hightae, Lockerbie

Wed & Thu – 3rd July – 15th Aug Do you have an animal mad child to entertain over the...Read More→

Open Hoose: Climate Kitchen

The Stove Network 100 High Street, Dumfries

The Climate Kitchen, run by local community members, is a space for learning, sharing, contributing and working together to do...Read More→

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