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About Us

Welcome to Updated D&G, the essential community platform dedicated to serving the heart of Dumfries & Galloway. Our platform stands as a vibrant digital hub, uniting residents, businesses, and visitors through a shared love for our region. At Updated D&G, we’re more than just a website – we’re a dynamic community, constantly evolving to meet the unique needs and interests of Dumfries & Galloway. Whether you’re seeking local news, job opportunities, or looking to connect with the pulse of our community, Updated D&G is your go-to destination, where every click brings you closer to the heart of Dumfries & Galloway.

Our History

The Spark of an Idea: Our story begins with a single, powerful idea born in the heart of Dumfries & Galloway. This idea was not just about creating a digital platform; it was about crafting a community hub that would resonate with the spirit of our region. Our mission was clear from the outset: to bridge the gap between residents, businesses, and visitors, and to celebrate the uniqueness of Dumfries & Galloway.

Humble Launch, Grand Ambitions: The initial launch of Updated D&G was a leap of faith. Back then, our website was a far cry from what it is today – a modest platform with basic features and a design that, candidly speaking, lacked the polish of our current iteration. Despite its imperfections, this early version of our site was a crucial stepping stone, laying the groundwork for what we aimed to achieve.

Embracing Change and Innovation: Recognizing the need for improvement, we doubled down on our development efforts. The recent advancements in artificial intelligence became a turning point for us. Inspired by this technological revolution, we embarked on creating our own AI tool – Updated AI, tailored specifically for Dumfries & Galloway. This innovation not only enhanced our platform’s capabilities but also significantly improved user experience.

A Year of Transformation: The past year has been nothing short of transformative for Updated D&G. In just twelve months, we have evolved from a simple website to a comprehensive digital hub. Our platform now boasts an array of features – from a local marketplace and news updates to social networking and AI-driven services. This remarkable progress is a testament to our team’s dedication and the unwavering support of our community.

Looking Ahead: A Future Full of Possibilities: As we reflect on our journey, we are filled with gratitude and excitement for the future. Our vision for Updated D&G goes beyond the here and now; we are committed to continuous growth and innovation. The upcoming years promise new features, enhanced services, and deeper community engagement. We are more than just a platform; we are a community-driven project with a heart that beats in sync with Dumfries & Galloway.

Our Pledge to Dumfries & Galloway: We pledge to remain dedicated to our roots, to listen and adapt to the needs of our community, and to keep pushing the boundaries of what a local digital platform can achieve. The journey of Updated D&G is an ongoing story – one that we are writing together with every resident, business, and visitor of Dumfries & Galloway.

Join us as we continue to evolve, serve, and celebrate the unique charm of our beloved region. Here’s to many more years of growth, discovery, and community spirit!

Services & Features

At Updated D&G, we offer a wide array of services and features designed to enrich the lives of everyone in Dumfries & Galloway. From our comprehensive local marketplace and job listings to our timely news updates and engaging community events, we provide the tools and resources needed to stay connected and informed in our vibrant region.

Marketplace - Bringing the highstreet, online!

Our Marketplace is the digital transformation of Dumfries & Galloway’s high street, bringing local businesses and customers together with just a click. It’s a dynamic space where businesses can showcase their products and services, and users can discover and engage with them effortlessly. Featuring an intuitive ‘Find Near You’ option, the Marketplace allows users to explore businesses in their vicinity, read reviews, and catch up on the latest news from their favourite local spots. By mirroring the vibrancy of a physical high street online, we’re fostering a more connected and accessible community commerce experience for everyone in Dumfries & Galloway.

Local News - Stay updated with the news in the region, convenient!

At Updated D&G, we bring you a comprehensive collection of local news, aggregating content from the most popular local sources as well as national news publishers. Our unique media bias feature provides insights into the perspectives of larger publishers, ensuring you get a balanced view. For those short on time, our ‘Summarise Post’ button on each news article offers a concise paragraph summarizing the key points with just one click. We also publish a news roundup every three days and a weekly news video summary. Plus, our Chatbot can instantly provide a summary of all the news from the past three days, keeping you informed and engaged effortlessly.

Local Events - What's going on in Dumfries & Galloway!

Discover the heartbeat of our community through the vibrant and diverse local events featured on Updated D&G. Our platform is your gateway to the latest happenings in Dumfries & Galloway, from cultural festivals and live music concerts to local markets and community gatherings. We make it easy for you to find events that resonate with your interests, providing detailed information and even ticket purchasing options. Whether you’re looking to immerse yourself in the local culture, enjoy family-friendly activities, or connect with fellow residents, our event listings keep you in the loop with all that’s going on in Dumfries & Galloway!

Jobs Portal - Find local emloyees and employers!

Our Jobs Portal is a one-stop destination for discovering a wealth of local employment opportunities in Dumfries & Galloway. We streamline your job search by aggregating listings from multiple platforms, ensuring you have access to a diverse range of local jobs. Taking the job application process a step further, we’ve introduced an innovative feature: the ‘Interview for Job’ button. Located on each job post, this button allows you to initiate an interview through our Chatbot instantly. This seamless integration makes it easier than ever to connect with potential employers and take the next step in your career journey, all with a single click.

Regional Sports Competitions - Live updates on the action!

We’re excited to announce that our ‘Regional Sports Competitions’ feature is currently under development and will be coming soon to Updated D&G. Our team is working tirelessly to bring you live updates and coverage of local sports action, capturing the spirit and excitement of Dumfries & Galloway’s athletic community. While we put the finishing touches on this feature, we invite you to visit our sports page for more information and to stay informed about our progress. We are committed to providing a dynamic and engaging sports experience and can’t wait to share it with you!

Traffic Updates - Keeping you informed for your journey!

Stay ahead of the curve with our comprehensive Traffic Notices section on Updated D&G. We diligently gather all the latest traffic information directly from the council and road services, ensuring you have the most current updates at your fingertips. Whether it’s road closures, construction updates, or unexpected delays, our traffic notices are designed to keep you informed and prepared for your journey throughout Dumfries & Galloway. By providing real-time traffic information, we aim to make your travels smoother and more predictable, helping you navigate our region with ease.

Housing - A central point to finding housing in Dumfries & Galloway!

Navigating the housing market in Dumfries & Galloway has never been easier, thanks to our comprehensive Housing section on Updated D&G. We collate all local housing listings (excluding private properties) from trusted sources like ‘Homes 4 D&G’ and ‘Loreburn Housing’, offering a centralized platform for your housing search. Whether you’re looking for a new home or seeking rental opportunities, our housing section provides a streamlined and user-friendly way to explore available options. Our goal is to simplify your search, connecting you with the ideal housing solutions in our community.

Community Content - All news from businesses and public services!

Our Community Content section is a rich tapestry of updates and news from across Dumfries & Galloway. It includes the latest information from public services such as the Police, NHS, and Fire Service, ensuring you stay informed about important community matters. Additionally, users can access the most recent news from businesses registered with us, offering insights into local commerce and services. We are also excited to announce that we will soon be integrating Third Sector services into this feature, further expanding our range of community-focused content and keeping you connected with all aspects of our vibrant region.

Social Networking - Connecting people and businesses in D&G!

At Updated D&G, our Social Networking feature is designed to weave a vibrant tapestry of connections across Dumfries & Galloway. Users and businesses alike can share updates and engage through activity feeds, reflecting the pulse of our local community. With options to create interest-based groups and personal profiles, our platform encourages meaningful interactions and friendships. Messaging capabilities further facilitate direct communication between users and businesses. The experience is enriched by interactive elements like badges and ranks, enhancing user engagement and bringing an added dimension of excitement to every interaction. These features are just the beginning, as we continuously strive to make our platform even more engaging and interactive for our community.

Updated AI - Artificial Intelligence engineered for D&G!

Embrace the future with Updated AI, our advanced artificial intelligence chatbot specifically tailored for Dumfries & Galloway. This AI powerhouse is equipped with remarkable functionality, ready to answer any question related to our region and platform. From providing a summary of the latest news within the past three days to finding the next three buses for your journey, Updated AI has got you covered. It informs you about bin collection schedules, offers support for the Cost of Living crisis, and even conducts practice job interviews. Need to connect with our support team or leave feedback? Updated AI makes it effortless. As we continually refine and enhance its capabilities, you can expect even more impressive features, making Updated AI an incredible asset to our platform and a game-changer for user experience.

Find out what our community thinks!

Dive into the heart and soul of Dumfries & Galloway by exploring the opinions and insights of our vibrant community. Our platform offers a unique window into the thoughts and perspectives of local residents and businesses, allowing you to truly understand what matters to those who make up the fabric of our region. From user-generated content and discussions to surveys and polls, Updated D&G provides a rich tapestry of community viewpoints, fostering a deeper connection and understanding among all who call Dumfries & Galloway home.

What are you waiting for? Stay updated!

Join our growing community today and immerse yourself in all that Dumfries & Galloway has to offer! Registering for an account is a breeze – simply click the ‘Register’ button in the top right corner or go to our home page and select ‘Login with Google’. By becoming a member, you’ll unlock the full potential of Updated D&G, staying connected with everything happening in our region. And for those who want to dive even deeper, subscribe to our newsletter for regular updates about Dumfries & Galloway, platform enhancements, and other exciting news. Don’t miss out – stay updated with us!

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section! Here, you’ll find answers to common queries about our platform and services. Whether you’re a new visitor or a regular user, this section is designed to help you get the most out of your experience with us.

Updated D&G is a community-powered platform that brings together people, businesses, and events in Dumfries & Galloway. Our mission is to keep you updated with the latest news, job opportunities, events, traffic, sports, housing and much much more.

To create an account, click on the ‘Register’ button on our homepage. Fill in the required fields with your personal information and submit. You can also register for an account by going to the Home page and clicking ‘Login with Google’. You will receive an email to activate your account.

If you forget your password, click on the ‘Forgot my Password’ link on the login page. Enter your email address, and we will send you instructions to reset your password.

As a registered business, you can submit news, jobs, events, products, ect, by visiting the business  dashboard. Please follow the guidelines provided for submissions. Normal users can still add news to the platform, but only on their and the sitewide activity feed, it isn’t publicly published. Individual users who wish to post news, jobs, events or products must get in touch with us to get a business account.

Absolutely, businesses can advertise on our platform. Please get in touch via the ‘Contact Us’ page and/or our chatbot for more information on advertising options and rates.

To apply for a job, click on the job listing that interests you. You will find detailed instructions and a link or contact information to submit your application. There is an ‘Apply Now’ button that will take you to where you can apply. You can also press the ‘Interview for Job’ button, to get a practice interview for the job your about to apply for via our Chatbot.

Yes! We do have a mobile app, but it’s not what you think. We have employed a Progressive Web App, which although can’t be installed from the usual mobile App Stores, it can be installed from our website. You must have an internet connection in order to use dynamic features of our platform with the app, but our app saves content onto your phone for while your offline. So if you have no internet, you can still catch up on the news. Our app also allows you to get notifications, browse our platform at a much faster speed and loads of other cools stuff!

To change your account settings, log in and go to your profile page. Here you can update your personal information, change your password, and adjust notification settings.

We welcome contributions and volunteers. Please get in touch via our Chatbot for more information on how you can contribute to our community.

For any inquiries or support with our platform, please contact us through the ‘Contact Us’ page on our website, or use our AI Chatbot to get in touch. We aim to respond to all queries within 48 hours, where the Chatbot can give you instant support.

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