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Are you interested in becoming a volunteer with Police Scotland?Then come to o...

Are you interested in becoming a volunteer with Police Scotland?

Then come to our Special Constable annual conference at the Scottish Police College on Saturday 11th May 2024, to find out more.

With a long and impressive history, the Special Constabulary is a part-time, volunteer body consisting of voluntary officers with identical powers to that of police officers.

As a special constable, you’ll work alongside our police officers in your spare time – forging strong partnerships in the community, patrolling our streets, preventing crime, and interacting with all kinds of people to give back, keep your local community safe and make a real difference.

Joining the Special Constabulary can also be a fantastic opportunity to consider whether policing is the job for you. It provides excellent experience and training for those who would like to become a full-time police officer.

At the event, we will be discussing:
• the operational duties of a special constable
• the recruitment process
• the benefits of joining us at Police Scotland

To find out more and to register for the event, please follow this link;



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