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Kirkcudbright Guides enjoy a vast range of experiences
Kirkcudbright Guides with Threave ranger Dave Thompson

Kirkcudbright Guides have had a variety of experiences lately.

Recently they went for a walk in the woods with Threave ranger Dave Thompson, a fascinating insight into trees and wildlife.

Kirkcudbright Guides at Fusion trampoline park in Carlisle

Kirkcudbright Guides at Fusion trampoline park in Carlisle

Then they made a longer journey to Carlisle for the Fusion trampoline park – including some warm up bounces before they got inside!

Some of the girls also went on the challenging skyrider and a climbing wall, with everyone having great fun.

The Guides meet every Monday from 6.15pm to 7.45pm at Kirkcudbright Scout Hall and the group is open to girls aged 10 to 14.

Contact Katherine Naylor on 01557 339202 for more information or visit

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