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Dumfries and Galloway voters head to the polls to chose next MP
(Image: PA Wire/Press Association Images)

Voters are going to the polls today to choose the next MP for Dumfries and Galloway.

Polling stations opened at 7am this morning, with people able to cast their ballot until 10pm tonight.

Then focus will switch to DG One in Dumfries, where votes will be counted in the race for the Dumfries and Galloway constituency.

And we’ll be there bringing you all the latest developments from the count, with a result expected in the early hours of Friday morning.

Keep up with all the action on our live blog at, with more coverage in next week’s paper.

Whatever happens, the region will have a new MP, as Scottish Secretary Alister Jack is standing down.

The candidates are: John Cooper (Con), David Griffiths (Heritage), Charles Keal (Reform), Tracey Little (SNP), Iain McDonald (Lib Dem), Laura Moodie (Green), James Wallace (Lab).

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