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The 2024 Scotland’s Health Awards hosted by The Scotsman in partnership with NHS...

The 2024 Scotland’s Health Awards hosted by The Scotsman in partnership with NHS Scotland and The Scottish Government.

These awards recognise the contribution of frontline health and social care workers but also celebrate those who work so hard behind the scenes in support roles to ensure we have the kind of health and care services that are vital in achieving the highest quality of care.

Nominate today and help us celebrate the extraordinary achievements in Scotland’s health sector.

Our 2024 categories include:
● Support Worker Award
● Innovation Award
● Volunteers Award
● Midwife Award
● Allied Health Professional Award
● Global Citizenship Award
● Young Achiever Award
● Unsung Hero Award
● Care for Mental Health Award
● Integrated Care Award
● Tackling Health Inequalities Award
● Leader of the Year Award
● Nurse Award
● Doctor Award
● Top Team Award
● Outstanding Achievement Award (Reader’s Choice)

Nominate here:

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