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Kirkcudbright Training Centre staff marking Armed Forces Week
The Armed Forces Day flag is raised at Kirkcudbright Training Centre
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Staff at Kirkcudbright Training Centre are marking Armed Forces Week.

The special Armed Forces Day flag was raised at the Defence Training Estate site on Monday.

It allowed staff, Landmarc Support Services and the Defence Infrastructure Organisation to show their support and thanks to service personnel.

Landmarc managing director, Mark Neill, said: “Having worked so closely with the Armed Forces for more than two decades, over 25 per cent of our team now come from a military background.

“We therefore work hard to make Landmarc a good employer for transitioning service personnel, veterans and their families, pledging to treat them fairly and with respect in recognition of the loyalty and service that they have given to our country.

“As a veteran myself, I know first-hand how important Armed Forces Week is for improving morale across our military communities and we are proud to show our support for our troops during this special week.”

DIO’s head of overseas and training region, Brigadier Hatcher, added: “Armed Forces Week is a chance to show our support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community: from currently serving troops to Service families, veterans and cadets.

“Together with our colleagues at Landmarc we are proud to come together and raise the flag at sites across the country in support of our Armed Forces.”

Armed Forces Day flags have also been raised at Market Hill in Castle Douglas and Dalbeattie’s Colliston Park.

A special parade will take place in Dumfries town centre on Saturday from 11.40am.

The region’s Armed Forces Champion, Councillor Archie Dryburgh MBE, said: “I am pleased to invite all veterans, reserves, cadets and serving personnel to come along to mark the occasion with us by being part of the parade.

“It is testament to the value that our citizens place on Armed Forces personnel that so many people come along to support us, and I would encourage anyone to share in the camaraderie and pride that comes from being part of this event.

“An Armed Forces Day Parade will also take place from 11am on Sunday, July 7, in the Wigtownshire Club Rugby Field, Stranraer with stalls and displays being on show between 11am and 4pm on the day.”

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