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56 vehicles were stopped during a road safety operation on the A74(M) at Gretna ...

56 vehicles were stopped during a road safety operation on the A74(M) at Gretna Services on Monday, 24 June, 2024.

Between 8am and 2pm, Road Policing Officers were assisted by a range of partner agencies including SEPA, HMRC and DVSA to ensure road worthiness of the vehicles who use this busy route.

Five people will be subject of a report to the Procurator Fiscal for road traffic offences.

Ten prohibition notices were issued for defects. Seven of these were immediate notices which stop the vehicle being used until the issues are rectified.

Among the other offences detected were:
• Driver hours offences
• Overweight vehicles, one being 40% over its maximum gross weight.
• Advisory and warning notices issued
• Insurance offences.

Constable Christopher Wightman said: “Road safety is a priority for us and these successful operations where we work alongside our partner agencies highlight our commitment to addressing this issue. We will continue to carry out regular patrols on the A74(M) and take enforcement action when necessary.”


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