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Key week for park plan

A MASTERPLAN for improving an Eastriggs park with play areas, new facilities and football pitches looks set to get the initial go-ahead next week.

The two-phase proposal for Melbourne Park includes the formation of a floodlit 3G pitch, a multi-use games area, playpark, gym, parking area, sports pavilion, skate park and community garden.

It represents a substantial change to what’s currently there.

The trust which operates the park has submitted their scheme to Dumfries and Galloway Council and it will go before members of the planning committee next week, with a recommendation that planning permission in principle is given.

Case officer Katie Towner is backing it and said: “Taken together, the two applications set out a masterplan for the improvement of the whole public open space facility.

“The masterplan layout includes facilities for a range of people, with a mix of formal pitches and informal play areas. The layout provides level access to all facilities. The facilities are integral to the neighbourhood with access easy from all directions. There are no screened areas that would not have public surveillance.”

Councillors will next week focus on the layout and access, with landscaping and detailed design to be determined at a later stage.

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