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More space left in Stewartry cemeteries than originally thought
Dalbeattie cemetery (Image: Les Snowdon)

It appears there is plenty of life left in the Stewartry’s cemeteries after all.

The council’s draft burial strategy had highlighted fears that graveyards in Dalbeattie and Castle Douglas could be just a few years from being full up.

But it has now emerged there is enough room to cope with demand for another six years.

The burial strategy was agreed at Tuesday’s meeting of the council’s communities committee.

The draft document originally tabled showed Dalbeattie cemetery’s 50 vacant lairs was enough for three more years, with Castle Douglas having enough space for five more years as it had 87 spaces.

An updated document changed the life expectancy for both sites to six years.

Interim head of waste, facilities and neighbourhood services, Karen Brownlie, said the original figure was based on one year of data, with the new, six year estimate based on a five year average.

The council is also undertaking work to reclaim lairs which have been empty for 50 years, which would extend the lifespan further.

Plans to extend both sites are also being looked at.

The five year average indicates Southwick Cemetery now has nine years remaining, rather than 11, with Balmaghie estimated to have enough space for more than 15 years.

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