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Annan charity football tournament raises £1,500 for Down's Syndrome Scotland
Some of the victorious CrabChester
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A magnificent £1,500 was raised for Down’s Syndrome Scotland from a charity football tournament held at Annan Athletic FC’s Galabank stadium.

The fundraiser was the brainchild of Leanne Downie and Jimmy Reid and inspired by their son, Jaiden, who has Down’s syndrome.

It was first held in 2019 and, after this welcome return, looks set to become an annual event.

The pair are grateful for the support they received from Annan Athletic FC, Hardip Atwal of Atwal Properties as shield sponsors, Tantrum Events for bouncy castle, Phil’s Ice Cream Van, Molly Mixture and everyone who gave or bought raffle tickets and attended on the day.

The community came together to support the charity football tournament

The community came together to support the charity football tournament

The football teams that took part were from Annan, Eaglesfield and CrabChester – who won.

In Scotland it is estimated that there are 70 babies born with Down’s syndrome each year. The total number of people living with the genetic condition – caused by the presence of a full or partial third copy of chromosome 21 in the body’s cells – in Scotland is estimated to be 4,500.

Hardip Atwal was thanked for his support and providing the shield, pictured with Jaiden, Leanne and Jimmy

Hardip Atwal was thanked for his support and providing the shield, pictured with Jaiden, Leanne and Jimmy

Down’s syndrome is the most frequently recognised form of learning disability and is named after the British doctor who first recognised it in 1886, Dr John Langdon Down.

Down’s Syndrome Scotland works to help people with the incurable lifelong condition to “realise their own potential” and its website at includes more information and ways to support the charity’s work.

It states: “There are many ways to ensure that each individual with Down’s syndrome is given the right type and amount of support that they need to develop to their full potential.”

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