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Dalbeattie branch of Legion Scotland set to mark 80th anniversary of D Day
The war memorial in Colliston Park (Image: Jim McEwan)

Dalbeattie branch of the Royal British Legion Scotland is to stage a special event in the town to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

The ceremony will take place at the war memorial in Colliston Park on June 6 at 6pm.

Branch president Jim Dingwall said: “Standard bearers will take up positions and air raid siren will sound the start of the event.

“A welcome and opening remarks will follow from Archie Dryburgh OBE with an introduction to the church ministers and leaders, with reflection, prayers and start of the service with the Exhortation. Our bugle player, George Thomas, will sound the Last Post and a two-minutes silence will be followed by the Reveille.

“The lead minister will then say the Kohima Epitaph before the Lord Lieutenant, the Lord Sinclair, lays a special 80th anniversary wreath, during which time a lament will be played by our piper Ross Kennedy.”

Mr Dingwall added: “The lament will be followed by the raising of our newly donated Pegasus flag, which will end the service at the war memorial.

“Later in the evening, at 9.15pm, a beacon will be lit at a high point on Craignair Quarry at the same time as the national lightning of beacons.

“The beacon will be visible from anywhere in Dalbeattie that has a view of the quarry.”

Mr Dingwall pointed out that there will be no access to the quarry by the public.

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