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NHS Dumfries and Galloway bosses say "significant release" of hackers releasing more patient data
(Image: Getty Images)

Hackers have released data from the National Records of Scotland online.

Members of INC Ransom gained access to NHS Dumfries and Galloway’s systems earlier this year and recently released sensitive patient and staff information on the dark web.

And it has now emerged they have published data from the organisation that holds Scotland’s records and statistics, which were on the health board’s network.

NRS chief executive, Janet Egdell, said: “We are aware that this will be distressing news for those individuals most directly affected. This is a live criminal investigation, and we are working closely with NHS Dumfries and Galloway, Police Scotland, Scottish Government and other agencies involved in the inquiry.

“NRS takes cyber security and privacy seriously. This includes ensuring the continued safe provision of the service we provide.”

Among the data the hackers were able to access was information from the births, deaths and marriages registers, which is used to correctly identify patients.

Some NRS information is on the IT network so that patient records can be transferred when someone moves into a health board area.

NRS has opened a mailbox for enquiries from members of the public at [email protected].

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