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Plans for controversial windfarm on Dumfries and Galloway border refused
(Image: Banks Renewables)

An energy firm is hoping it will be third time lucky for its plans for a windfarm in the Glenkens.

Energiekontor has launched a fresh bid to develop a site at Garcrogo near Corsock.

Two previous attempts have been rejected by the Scottish Government – the most recent just two months ago.

The latest proposal is for seven turbines up to 200m tall.

Two years ago, the Scottish Government rejected plans for a nine turbine development, with the windmills up to 200m tall.

The second bid was for nine, 180m turbines but was scaled back to seven structures, however that was also rejected by the Scottish Government.

Documents lodged with the council for the new proposal state: “The second application was dismissed at appeal in March 2024 due to a lack of sufficient information relating to two additional requirements from recently updated national planning policy (NPF4).

“These related to peat disturbance and biodiversity enhancements respectively. On all other grounds, the application was considered to be acceptable.”

The firm was able to lodge an appeal to Holyrood over the previous applications as on both occasions the council failed to make a decision within the required timeframe.

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