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Dalry community sports bid pitch backed by Stewartry councillors
Dalry Community Properties Trust want to take over the MUGA (Image: Jim McEwan)

A community bid to breathe new life into a sports pitch has received the backing of councillors.

Dalry Community Properties Trust is aiming to take on the town’s multi-use games area (MUGA), which is in a “derelict condition”.

And members of Stewartry area committee have agreed to the move – on the condition Dalry School continues to have the use of the facility.

They have also asked that, should the trust fail, the facility is returned to council ownership.

And if the site is sold, any profit should go to council coffers.

The recommendation will be passed on to the finance, procurement and transformation committee for final approval.

A report for the area committee meeting estimated that the MUGA would be worth around £100,000.

However, in its current “derelict condition”, it is only worth around half that.

The facility hasn’t been used for nearly a decade but the trust plans to refurbish it and offer a range of sports including football, hockey, tennis and basketball.

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