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Lochrutton Primary recognised by Rights Respecting School Scheme
Lochrutton Primary has achieved silver status in UNICEF UK’s Rights Respecting School Scheme

Lochrutton Primary has been recognised by UNICEF UK’s Rights Respecting School Scheme.

The school has achieved the Silver: Rights Aware level, much to the delight and pride of children and teachers.

And they’re now aiming to go for the gold award with partner school Shawhead Primary.

The assessors found that children were able to talk about their rights and give a variety of examples of rights they have been learning about.

One child said: “We learn about our rights in class, our teacher uses our school display of the rights we are working on which match our school principles.”

The children shared that their principles are “we learn, we have a voice, we look after ourselves and each other, we look after our environment”.

Staff explained that “these principles underpin the ethos of the school and represent the things the children do in school that enables them to exercise their rights”.

Children, staff and parents also commented on the positive relationships within the school.

The headteacher and RRSA lead explained their recent school partnership changes, and that a refreshed vision, values and aims for the school will be established with the School’s Rights Respecting Principles at the centre.

School improvement planning highlights their positive relationships strategy as a key priority.

A staff member said: “We are inclusive in our outlook, we are team orientated.”

One child explained: “We are all part of the Kiddy Council and do fundraising for Red Nose Day and raise money for Pudsey.

“We hold events like dress down days, and fun afternoons for pre-school children in our local area.”

The Kiddy Council also helps to steer the school in their decision-making on what the children would like to learn or school projects.

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