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Organisers of Dumfries and Galloway Gaelic celebration appeal for volunteers
Gaelic tutor Sarah Stevenson (Image: Jim McEwan)

The south-west’s very own Gaelic festival, Fèis an Iar Dheas, is gearing up for its big day out in Dumfries on June 8.

And the event at The Bridge still has places available for young people wanting to learn Gaelic song, dance, drama and traditional music on various instruments.

Instructors from Fèis Rois, which is based at Ullapool, have been helping kids boost their skills ahead of the celebration.

Castle Douglas-based Gaelic tutor Sarah Stevenson, who is on the organising committee, said the fèis was a chance for kids to enjoy a great day of music-making, drama and song.

She said; “Fèis an Iar Dheas is delighted to bring to a day of song, music and drama to primary aged children in Dumfries and Galloway, on June 8 at The Bridge.

“With the expertise of Fèis Rois tutors who have been delivering a wide range of traditional instrumental and song instruction throughout the region, we will have a celebration day of children’s achievements.

“Spaces are being snapped up fast and furious, particularly for Primary 1-3 half day session – which is almost full.

“Spaces are still available for Primary 4-7 aged children for tuition on the guitar, fiddle, whistle, mixed instruments as well as in drama.”

Sarah added: “Parents and carers are asked to complete one form per child attending, available at before Monday, June 3. After completing the form, they are requested to note the level of experience where an instrumental option is being chosen.”

As part of preparations for the festival, Sarah is running a new beginners Gaelic class, sponsored by Gàidhlig Dumgal, the local Gaelic organisation.

Sessions are being held at Castle Douglas Community Centre and will run for a further five weeks until mid-June, with weekly classes from 6-7pm..

The fèis is the country’s most southerly and seeks to build on the region’s Gaelic heritage.

A spokesperson for Fèisean nan Gaidheal, the national body in charge of promoting and developing Gaelic language and culture, said: “The last fèis took place in 2022 and was a brilliant success.’’

For more information about the fèis or Gaelic classes, contact Sarah on [email protected]

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