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Corsock House Garden to open to the public for charity
Corsock House Garden is opening for charity

Corsock House Garden is opening for charity on Sunday and is looking wonderful at the moment as their extensive collection of rhododendrons is coming into flower.

The garden includes an amazing variety of designed landscapes, from a strictly designed walled garden, through richly planted woodlands full of different vistas, artfully designed water features and surprises to extensive lawns showing off the Bryce baronial mansion. This is an Arcadian garden with pools and temples and has been described by Ken Cox of Glendoick as “perhaps my favourite of Scotland’s many woodland gardens”.

The damage wreaked by storms and floods in recent years is now a distant memory as the gardens have been restored and are recovering well. With the arrival of a mini digger last year, ponds and paths have had lots of restoration over the winter. New planting has been carried out in earnest and huge credit must go to Jamie Lawrie, the only full-time member of the gardening team who has invested so much energy and expertise into making the garden a source of joy for so many. As a consequence of this phenomenal work the gardens are looking glorious and are an idyllic place to explore and enjoy.

Gardeners Jo Mitchell and Jamie Lawrie

Gardeners Jo Mitchell and Jamie Lawrie

For those interested in identifying plants, huge strides have been made in identifying and labelling the collection of specie rhododendrons and hybrids. This is attributable to the expertise of the Rhododendron Species Conservation Society who visited in 2022 and 2023. The results of their work can be found in Corsock’s Rhododendron List and each plant has been labelled by Jamie and Jim Laurie, who has gardened at Corsock for nearly 50 years, and the new part-time gardener Jo Mitchell.

The gardens are open from 2pm-5pm on Sunday, May 26 and also by arrangement until June 30. Admission is £5, children free and proceeds will go Scottish Garden Scheme charities and Corsock and Kirkpatrick Durham Church of Scotland. The garden is partially wheelchair accessible; dogs on leads are welcome and delicious home-made teas will be available. A few locally grown plants will be for sale.

To get to Corsock House (DG7 3DJ) take the turning for Corsock off the A75. For further information, visit

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