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Say hello to our Abbie ❤️ This young lady has only been with us for a couple of months but boy has she got stuck in with everything she’s asked to do!

She is the caring sweetness of the team 😍 I love her demeanor and chat with the diners and many have commented to me personally and in reviews.

She’s so supportive towards the young and new team members and she is genuinely concerned about everyone’s well being. She has a pure heart of gold 💛

Despite her beauty and lovely nature this lady under rates herself massively yet she’s a fantastic team player and she is so well liked within the team.

Abbie discreetly has incredible resilience, courage and a strong mind set to achieve and please everyone. She always strives to do right by others at work and in her personal life.

This past fortnight Abbie has really developed her skills in the business and impressed me 🏆 She bounces back from any errors she makes (as every new employee makes mistakes) and she can manage a busy shift that occasionally can be a little stressful with a lovely smile on her face.

Although Abbie doesn’t think she is amazing she really is…. she’s strong and conscientious. I respect her for her work commitment but also her morals for being kind to others and generally doing what’s right for the greater community.

Thank you Abbie for all you contribute… you’re a breathe of fresh air and a little 💎

Please show Abbie a little appreciation for supporting The Olive Retreat ❤️ especially if she’s served you well recently.

Everyone would feel better with an Abbie in their life 👌💖

#oliveretreatcd #followers #bestteam #dumfriesandgalloway #beautifulemployees #heartofgold

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