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Good Connections for Autistic Adults is on Wednesday 22nd May at 2pm till 7pm at...

Good Connections for Autistic Adults is on Wednesday 22nd May at 2pm till 7pm at The Usual Place where we will be joined by stall holders from AccessArt, D&G Local Employability & Skills Partnership, Dumfries and Galloway College and DG Voice.

These stall holders are there for you to speak to and get information about some of the services that are out there. Then you can speak to a member of the team who can then help you make that first connection.

Good connections for Autistic Adults is a chance for you to have a chat and a hot drink and make some connections that might make your life easier. We also do something called supported sign posting where a member of our team will actually sit down with you and help you make that first step.

If you would like a one to one then just call 01387 253485 and ask for a member of our Good Connections team. You can also email [email protected].

Below is the link to the Good Connections page for more information.

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