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Baking up a storm at competition

STRANRAER bakery John Gillespie and Sons Ltd took home a highly sought after prize in the prestigious Scottish Baker of the Year Awards last weekend.

The awards aim to showcase Scotland’s best bakes, and with nearly 600 entries from over 60 bakers across Scotland, the competition was fierce.

During the glittering ceremony in Glasgow, the Wigtownshire bakery won the regional silver award for their toffee cake. Expressing their joy, a spokesperson for the bakery said: “We are absolutely thrilled with our award. It’s one thing to have confidence in our products, but to have that validation from both customers and industry experts is truly the icing on the cake.”

Congratulating the winners Michelle Phillips, the newly installed President of Scottish Bakers, added: “All winners should feel incredibly proud of their achievements. We anticipate that these well-deserved accolades will not only honour their hard work but also contribute significantly to their business growth. Congratulations to all our deserving winners.”

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