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Galloway Mountain Rescue Team stretcher injured walker off Pibble Hill
Galloway Mountain Team members stretcher the casualty off the hill

Galloway Mountain Rescue Team was called into action on Tuesday to stretcher an injured walker off Pibble Hill above Creetown.

The casualty had sustained a potential ankle injury and had summoned help.

Team members from Castle Douglas, Newton Stewart and Ayr met at the rendezvous point near Rusko to begin the

One party equipped with medical supplies and pain relief quickly located the injured person with a second team following behind carrying a stretcher and additional necessary equipment.

Remote rescue medical technicians assessed the injury and the casualty’s ankle was immobilized using a

The individual was carefully placed in a vacuum mattress and a Cas Bag to ensure safety and comfort.

A team spokesperson said: “The team carried the casualty on a stretcher for approximately one kilometre over challenging terrain and in adverse weather

“At 3.33pm they successfully reached the road where the casualty was safely transferred to the care of the Scottish Ambulance Service for further treatment.

“Galloway Mountain Rescue Team extends its best wishes for a speedy recovery to the casualty.”

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