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Dumfries to host Legion Scotland's annual conference
Dumfries and Galloway’s Armed Forces champion, Councillor Archie Dryburgh

Dumfries is making history in hosting Legion Scotland’s annual conference this weekend at The Bridge.

It is the first time in 20 years the gathering for Scotland’s largest Armed Forces membership charity has not been held in Perth.

Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Armed Forces Champion, councillor Archie Dryburgh MBE, said it was “a privilege.”

He said: “For Dumfries to be the first town outside of Perth to host the Legion Scotland Annual Conference is an honour in itself and demonstrates the positive profile and excellent facilities of this part of the country.

“Our council has been extremely supportive of this happening and I am certain that it will be a successful event and we welcome this opportunity to show our pride, gratitude and respect to all legionnaires while they are in Dumfries and Galloway over the period of the conference.”

It began on Thursday and will run through tomorrow with more than 150 members, trustees, military personnel and staff meeting over the days to discuss comradeship for Scotland’s veterans

Speakers include Dumfriesshire Lord Lieutenant Fiona Armstrong; Dumfries Provost, councillor Maureen Johnstone; Scottish Veterans Commissioner, Lt Cdr (ret’d) Susie Hamilton; Legion Scotland president, Rear Admiral Mark Beverstock; and Legion Scotland chairman, Lt Cdr Martyn Hawthorn MBE.

An officer from 6 SCOTS will provide an update on the Armed Forces in Scotland.

Legion Scotland will also welcome guests from partner charities, such as Poppyscotland, the Royal British Legion, the Royal British Legion Scotland Women’s Section, and the Royal Canadian Legion.

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