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Boreland road to get more passing places

SEVENTEEN new passing places are going to be created on a rural road near Lockerbie which is used by timber lorries.

Scottish Forestry has awarded over £235,000 funding from the Strategic Timber Transport Fund (STTF) to two projects which aim to improve timber transport in the region.

And £70,000 of that will be used by Dumfries and Galloway Council on the C102a at Boreland.

It is a main route for lorries taking timber to Stevens Croft from several forests in the area.

Announcing the funding boost, Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon said: “With around seven million tonnes of timber being produced each year by our forests, I’m keen to support the sector get their timber to market safely and reduce any disruption to communities.

“I’m also keen to promote ways which can help decarbonise the way timber is moved and look for new solutions in transporting timber in a way that lessens the impacts on the environment.”

The key aim of the STTF money is to improve timber transport networks, whilst reducing impacts from lorries on communities and the environment.

Dr William Clark, Scottish Forestry’s forest transport and innovation advisor, added: “The Strategic Timber Transport Scheme has transcended its original aims.

“Whilst still delivering its core benefits of reducing the impacts of timber haulage on Scotland’s communities, it has also become a focal point for innovation and collaboration across a diverse range of stakeholders.

“Local authorities, forest industry businesses, communities, various agencies and government are all working together on this towards the common goal of a sustainable future.“

Meanwhile, the rest of the regional allocation, of £165,000, has been awarded to Fountain Forestry towards creating a new road to allay safety concerns for Lamachan and Carty Bridge along the minor C15W public road near Moss of Cree.

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