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Dark Light
On the night between 14th and 15th May, we received multiple reports of theft fr...

On the night between 14th and 15th May, we received multiple reports of theft from insecure vehicles/outbuildings across the DG2 Area, predominantly in Summerhill/Troqueer area.

If you noticed anything suspicious on that night, in those areas or have CCTV or Dash/Cam, contact 101.

Leaving your vehicle insecure is facilitating the thieves – criminals will look for easy targets.

🔒🚙 Lock your vehicle – CHECK IT!
🚗 🪟 Close your car windows.
💍💻 Put valuables out of sight – better still, remove them.

The better weather is finally arriving, don’t give thieves the chance by leaving your windows down.

Further guidance can be found at:

#KeepingPeopleSafe #DontGiveThievesAChance


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