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Talks underway on how to spend £20m in Dumfries

A DUMFRIES firm has announced its closure with the loss of 27 jobs.

Kellwood Engineering, a precision machining and fabrication company  has been trading for almost 40 years.

It was based on the Catherinefield Industrial Estate and had a focus on machining and metal fabrication, and more recently as lighting consultants.

The director of the company, James Maitland, has appointed Donald McKinnon, of Wylie & Bisset, Accountants and Business Advisors, as provisional liquidator.

Mr Maitland said: “The reduction of work available during covid required us to cut our workforce and, since then, a shortage of skilled time-served engineers in the area has rendered it difficult to restore employee numbers to a sustainable level.”

Mr McKinnon added: “This is terribly sad to see the demise of another manufacturing business in Scotland with cheaper alternatives being found overseas.

“We are currently in discussions with a third party to take on part of the business and save some jobs.”


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