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Triple death crash driver pleads guilty

A LEARNER driver from Moffat has admitted killing three of his friends in a horror crash two years ago.

Jake Loy, 19, appeared at the High Court in Glasgow today and pleaded guilty to a charge of causing the three deaths by dangerous driving.

He was speeding in his Honda Civic when he lost control and ploughed into another car near Cargenbridge in March 2022.

His 16-year-old passengers Tyler Johnston, Ian Cannon, Finlay Johns – pictured- tragically never survived the smash on the A711.

A judge heard how Ian had posted a message in a group chat before the crash that he was “scared” in the vehicle and that Loy was a “terrible driver”.

Background reports have been ordered on Loy, who will be sentenced in July.

Full story in this week’s paper.


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