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Dumfries and Galloway tractor run to raise money for Brain Tumour Research
Jim Young, Jill Rennie and Drew Sloan of the Retired Farmers Group (Image: Les Snowdon)

A charity tractor run will take place in the Stewartry later this month.

The Retired Farmers Group is organising the event, starting and finishing near Twynholm, on Sunday, May 19.

And they are hoping to raise money for Brain Tumour Research in the process after the disease claimed the life of a member.

They’re also hoping to raise awareness of the charity, with brain tumours receiving just one per cent of the funding that goes into cancer research in the UK.

Twynholm’s Drew Sloan, who is putting together the event with Jim Young, said: “Anybody and tractors of any age are welcome.

“You just turn up and sign up on the day.

“We’ve had quite a few interested, both locally and from further afield.”

The Retired Farmers Group previously held a tractor run to raise money for Alzheimer’s but this is their first one since the coronavirus pandemic, so they are hoping for a big turnout.

Those taking part should gather at the old sandpit quarry near the Cocoabean Company (DG6 4NP) from 9.30am on May 19 for a 10.30am start, with entry at £20 per tractor.

The route, which covers more than 30 miles, will head off down the old creamery road to Valleyfield and up to High Barcaple before heading onto the Ringford to Laurieston road.

The cavalcade will then go through Laurieston to Gatehouse and pass the front door of the Cally Palace Hotel. After that it’s on to David Austin’s farm at Boreland of Girthon, going through the farm and coming out at the steading before moving on to Knockbrex.

Following the shore road through Borgue and into Kirkcudbright, the parade will go over the bridge and turn left, then cross Tongland and Cumston bridges before going over Hilltop and to the Beeches cross roads and back to the start.

Catering will be available at the start and in the lunch break and the event is being held in association with James Smith Fencing Ltd.

For more information, contact Drew Sloan on 07720 185873.

Donations and sponsorship can also be made online at

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