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Access still restricted at historic Dumfries and Galloway sites
Threave Castle

Masonry inspections have been completed at historic sites across the region.

However, a number of Historic Environment Scotland (HES) locations are still inaccessible to the public.

Galloway and West Dumfries MSP Finlay Carson asked in the Scottish Parliament chamber for an update on when sites, some of which have been closed for several years due to fears over the condition of their masonry, will be reopened.

Culture Minister, Kaukab Stewart, replied: “Historic Environment Scotland must continue to prioritise the health and safety of visitors, staff and contractors. It continues to work hard to reopen sites as soon as it is safe to do so.

“In fact, Historic Environment Scotland has now completed 90 per cent of the priority high-level masonry inspections and, across its estate, there is full or partial access to 90 per cent of its year-round properties.

“For further information on any specific site or to learn about the issues from technical experts at first hand, I would be happy to ask Historic Environment Scotland to arrange a visit for the member.

“I thank him for his continued interest in the issue.”

Access to MacLellan’s Castle in Kirkcudbright has been restricted since 2019.

The Historic Environment Scotland website shows there is still no access to the castle.

There is also no access to Threave Castle near Castle Douglas, while access to Sweetheart Abbey in New Abbey is restricted.

Mr Carson pointed out historic sites contributed billions of pounds to the country’s economy before the pandemic and called for HES to “tackle a serious shortage of traditional skills such as stonemasonry and carpentry”.

He added: “I know from experience, after visiting the reBUILD project in Whithorn, how vital it is to attract and retain fresh young talent to work in Scotland’s heritage sector while, crucially, creating jobs at the same time. I am sure that the minister agrees about the importance of the new five-year skills investment plan that was launched earlier this month, which will create a better-skilled workforce across Scotland.

“How does she envisage that HES will work with organisations such as Whithorn reBUILD to maintain our historic buildings and create jobs in rural areas?”

Ms Stewart replied: “I recognise the excellent work that the Whithorn Trust is undertaking with its trainees.

“I am pleased that Historic Environment Scotland is supporting the trust’s capacity to deliver accredited skills training.

“As the member mentioned, a refreshed skills investment plan for the historic environment was launched recently. That plan was drafted collaboratively with the sector to reflect the changes that the sector has experienced since the plan was first published in 2019.

“Along with ‘Our Past, Our Future: The Strategy for Scotland’s Historic Environment’, that will help with the traditional skills that are needed for the sustainability of our heritage assets.”

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