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Board reaches out to town groups

DUMFRIES Town Board has reached out to a number of key partners locally as it prepares the long term plan for Dumfries Town.

Chairman Richie Nicoll and members Campbell Young and John Dowson, with help from Simon Jones, paid a series of visits last Friday and started conversations with Robin Wishart of Loreburn Community Council and Dumfries Partnership Action Group; Mark Jardine MBE, from the People’s Project; and Peter Kormylo and Robert Richmond, Midsteeple Quarter. Mr Wishart gave them an open invitation to Loreburn Community Council’s meetings and invited them to meet with DPAG.

Richie explained that the Town Board should be a clutch, bringing together the different gears, the many excellent projects in the town that are now working separately, to become more effective.

It was agreed by many that cleaning up the town centre should be a priority.

And Mark Jardine, whose group carries out litter picks, was particularly supportive of the board’s ambition to quickly improve the cleanness of Dumfries.

Midsteeple Quarter are also thinking along the same lines and expressed a determination to help the board succeed, offering their help in finding them a short term home.

Following the meetings, Mr Nicoll said: “Hopefully soon Dumfries residents will be welcomed into a shop premises on the High Street to give their views about how we can make a great town fantastic.”

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