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April is #StressAwarenessMonth...

April is #StressAwarenessMonth
How to beat burnout
Burnout isn’t inevitable — you can take simple steps to help prevent it. Here are eight strategies:
1. Identify your stressors – Figure out what’s causing you the most stress, so you can work on reducing it. Try journaling about your feelings, reviewing your calendar for insights, or opening up to a loved one.
2. Embrace boundaries – Practice saying “no” to events and requests you don’t have time or energy for, so you can prioritise what’s most important to you.
3. Adjust your expectations – If you find yourself chasing perfection often, try to remember that perfection doesn’t actually exist. exist. To reduce your stress, try re-evaluating your concept of success and aiming for more attainable goals.
4. Schedule your sleep – Establishing a more consistent sleep schedule can lead to better sleep, and in turn, better overall well-being.
5. Find a bedtime routine – Create an evening routine that relaxes you and sets you up for a successful sleep whether that involves eliminating screen time or taking a warm shower before bed.
6. Practice stress management techniques – Incorporate stress-relieving activities like meditation, exercise, and socialisation into your daily life to stay level.
7. Take a break – Spend some time away from your responsibilities (if you can) to reset and recuperated. That might mean taking a day or two off work, going on a trip, or asking your partner for more support.
8. Get help – If you’re struggling, reach out to a mental health professional who can help get you on the right track.
If you need support with your sleep to prevent or overcome burnout, consider Sleepio. A customized online sleep improvement program, Sleepio provides evidence-based techniques to help quiet your mind and enhance your sleep quality.
To learn more about Sleepio, visit

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