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Old Lockerbie hotel safety fears

THE state of a former Lockerbie High Street hotel has the town’s community council chairman concerned.

Ken Bailey brought up the old Blue Bell Hotel issue once again at the group’s recent meeting and wanted some answers as to what is happening with the decaying building.

Mr Bailey said: “What is happening with it? Whoever owns it is supposed to maintain it, aren’t they? This has been going on and on and on!

“People who live opposite it are, shall we say, they are fed up of it. Is it possible to get answers?”

Community councillors questioned whether Dumfries and Galloway Council have the authority to ask the landowner to do anything.

They also brought up how the building was cordoned off a couple of years ago.

Community councillor Lucie Dudgeon said: “The last time I asked about this was because a slate had come off the roof and nearly hit somebody who was going into the post office.

“The council looked at it and said it was fine. But I questioned them about how they looked at the roof when you can’t see it.”

The community council agreed to contact the local authority for an update.

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