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Inspectors shocked at bad state of road

A DALSWINTON man is despairing at the ongoing state of the road leading to his property – and says even council inspectors agree.

Dave Hunt, left, first flagged up the route, which is the only way to Low Townhead, to Dumfries and Galloway Council in April 2021.

But it has declined since then with about 20 potholes along the single track and a sinking verge.

He has logged reports with the local authority on five separate occasions in the last three years.

And finally, council inspectors visited earlier this week and told Mr Hunt it was one of the worst condition roads they had seen and could be beyond normal repair practices.

He is now waiting to hear if and when any repairs – temporary or permanent – can be expected.

Mr Hunt said: “The verge that is collapsing, reported long ago, is an accident waiting to happen and could well involve not only people but oil tankers, stock lorries, delivery vehicles.”

Dumfries and Galloway Council were contacted for comment.

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