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Corberry Park Pipers hold tuneful coffee morning in Dumfries
Harris, James, Olly and Riona were kept busy sorting out the raffle tickets (Image: Bobby Geddes)

The skirl o’the pipes alongside a cuppa and a cake proved popular on Saturday with supporters of Dumfries’ Corberry Park Pipers.

The young musicians practice every Wednesday evening from 6.30pm and every Saturday morning from 10am to noon in the Summerhill Community Centre with senior tutor Theo Pratt and tutor assistants Riona Green and Callum Little in charge of developing their musical skills.

The large turnout enjoyed the coffee and entertainment which was provided

The large turnout enjoyed the coffee and entertainment which was provided
(Image: Bobby Geddes)

And Saturday’s session was turned into a fundraising coffee morning with all the proceeds going back into teaching enthusiastic young people how to play the bagpipes.

As well as a musical entertainment and refreshments, those present enjoyed a raffle and took the opportunity to catch up with the recent successes enjoyed by members at solo competitions, both locally and nationally.

The Corberry Park Pipers – whose chairman is Andy Boyd – was founded in 1998 by honorary member, Jim McConnachie.

The Corberry Park Pipers performed at the coffee morning

The Corberry Park Pipers performed at the coffee morning
(Image: Bobby Geddes)

Jim began teaching any young people interested at his home in Corberry Park for free, believing the pipes should be accessible to all.

And since then the group has gone on to blossom and grow over the years.

Jim’s legacy is a precious one – more than 100 pupils have mastered the skirl o’ the pipes and have gone on to lead and perform with pipe bands both at home and internationally.

As well as performing solo, they are taught to play together as a group and will be performing at a many events this year.

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