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Old school takes over old bank

A FORMER bank in the middle of Lockerbie is to become a community hub, warm space and food bank – and will herald the start of a regeneration vision for the high street.

The Lockerbie Old School group has secured planning permission from Dumfries and Galloway Council for 81 High Street, which was the Bank of Scotland.

They are in the process of purchasing the building and say they want to turn it into an office and event space for their charity.

And the aim is to help the local community by providing a space to hold events, such as knitting, singing and computer training; as well as hosting a food bank on site; and offer a clothing donation/collection point for school and winter clothing.

They envisage it will be their offices, a drop in and a community space until the doors on their main site, the revamped Old School, in Dryfe Road, in 2025.

However, the purchase of number 81 is also part of the Old School’s bigger vision for the town and in a supporting statement lodged with planners, they said: “We are also a development trust and once the Old School is open we will start to regenerate the High Street and that will include buying up and renovating and repurposing the old redundant buildings.

“81 High Street is just the start of that redevelopment.”

The new hub will be open Monday to Friday with some weekend opening when applicable.

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