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Supporters of the Dumfries and Galloway Palestine Solidarity Campaign stage Eurovision protest outside BBC offices
Campaigners post a letter of protest (Image: Les Snowdon)

Supporters of the Dumfries and Galloway Palestine Solidarity Campaign staged a peaceful demonstration outside the BBC office at Queen of the South’s football stadium on Saturday.

The event was organised in protest against the broadcaster’s decision to screen the Eurovision Song Contest, which includes an entry from Israel.

Around 20 people gathered around the Robert Burns statue in Dumfries town centre before making the walk to the media centre.

A short vigil was held and a letter of protest posted in the letterbox outside the office.

Protestors outside the BBC offices in Dumfries

Protestors outside the BBC offices in Dumfries
(Image: Les Snowdon)

Speaking afterwards, campaign secretary of the Dumfries and Galloway Solidarity Campaign, Jeanette Abendstern, called on the BBC “to find its moral compass” and reverse the decision to broadcast this year’s Eurovision Song Contest.

She told the Standard: ”Eurovision is a very prestigious event and this is giving legitimacy to a state that is committing genocide.

“Once again it’s an example of the British establishment being complicit in what are war crimes.

“We were answering a call from the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign and there were protests of this nature around Scotland outside BBC offices.

“We protest the normalisation of the State of Israel through culture and media.”

(Image: Les Snowdon)

Ms Abendstern also criticised the European Broadcasting Union for allowing Israel to compete.

She said: “I think it’s outrageous and displays such blatant double standards – they had no problems with stopping Russia from taking part.”

Director general Noel Curran said the EBU was aligned with other international organisations that have similarly maintained “their inclusive stance “towards Israeli participants in major competitions, adding that the situation regarding Israel and Russia was “fundamentally different”.

He added: “We remain committed to ensuring the Eurovision Song Contest remains a non-political event that continues to unite audiences worldwide through music.”

Asked for its response, the BBC said: “We won’t be commenting on this. “

Dumfries and Galloway Palestine Solidarity Campaign organisers said supporters and the general public were welcome to join its peace gatherings at the Robert Burns statue every Saturday at 2pm until a lasting ceasefire is announced.

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