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Station group still hopeful of reopening

HOPE is not lost for the re-opening of Beattock Station after SWestrans re-affirmed their ambition to open the station and others in their latest transport strategy.

Despite huge efforts from locals and strong business cases built by South West of Scotland Transport Partnership (SWestrans), Transport Scotland previously rejected pleas for investment in the village’s station.

Following the rejection station campaigners hit back at Transport Scotland and group chair Ron McLean wrote to Transport Minister Fiona Hyslop MSP, which lead to campaigners being invited to meet with government officials.

However the date of the meeting is yet to be confirmed.

But recently the Transport Minister signed off on the Regional Transport Strategy to 2042. The document created by SWestrans for the Scottish Government sets out a vision for a transport system for the South West of Scotland and will set the policy and framework for transport delivery in Dumfries and Galloway for the next 20 years.

And the strategy mentions Beattock station, stating: “The reopening of Beattock station along with Thornhill and Eastriggs remains an ambition of SWestrans.”

Reacting to the comment, a spokesperson for Beattock Station Action Group said: “This news is encouraging and is something that we can press Nicola Blaney, interim head of strategic transport planning, on when she eventually responds to our request for a meeting.”

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