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Loreburn Community Council providing funding support for projects
Buddies gets a cash boost from Loreburn Community Council

Loreburn Community Council has been able to support a number of community projects with funding.

A local social enterprise, Buddies on Friars Vennel, which provides activities, support and opportunities for adults with disabilities in Dumfries and the surrounding area, received £500 after asking LCC for help redecorating their base which was still showing the effects of the Hogmanay flood. It is particularly a haven for those aged 16-25 and has a well attended drop-in centre with a mission to help people achieve independent fulfilling lives.

Include Us, which is based at the back of the St Catherine’s Street play park, asked the LCC to support delivery of Business Roots Training for young people with barriers to education and employment.

LCC awarded Include Us £600 which also helped buy craft materials with community councillors now looking forward to seeing the creativity and ideas of the young people and wish the scheme every success in helping the next generation of entrepreneurs.

A £600 grant from Loreburn Comunity Council was handed over to representatives from Include Us

A £600 grant from Loreburn Comunity Council was handed over to representatives from Include Us

Probably Dumfries’ most loved tradition, Guid Nychburris, is an extraordinary celebration and festival which will this year be held from June 9 to 15 and the LLC were happy to present them with £350 towards the event.

There was also £250 given to Struan Henry who swims competitively all over Scotland and the cash will help him attend events. LCC secretary Simon Jones said: “He’s neurodivergent and he certainly doesn’t let it slow him down. We were delighted to accept this individual application and wish him the best of luck in all his events.”

LCC also gave Dumfries Adoptive Railway Gardeners £380 to help buy a new cordless lawnmower for their work in keeping Dumfries Train Station environs looking blooming beautiful for rail users and visitors.

Simon Jones, secretary of Loreburn Community Council, hands over a £380 contribution to help Dumfries Adoptive Railway Gardeners

Simon Jones, secretary of Loreburn Community Council, hands over a £380 contribution to help Dumfries Adoptive Railway Gardeners

Simon said: “We are very happy to support them. They put in an extraordinary amount of work (valued at £3.2 million last year).

“They even show people around the gardens if you ask nicely and, of course, every visitor to the train station can’t help but notice the beautiful green spaces.”

LCC receives a sum of about £4,000 a year with which to support community projects which meet criteria.

Inviting people to apply within community council’s area in Dumfries, Simon said: “We have been absolutely delighted by the quality of the projects who have been in touch with us and are pleased to say that we have supported everyone who has asked us.

“We do still have money available to support more projects in our area. This funding is particularly suitable for individuals and groups who are not used to doing grant applications as it’s very simple to apply.”

Simon can be contacted via email at: [email protected] or 07934 851307.

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