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Christians from across Dumfries getting together to mark Holy Week
The cross will be carried through Dumfries on Good Friday

Christians from many different churches in Dumfries are getting together to mark Holy Week in a special way.

On Friday, The Dumfries Christian Network are holding a Walk of Witness in the town with an open invitation for all to join in.

The Good Friday commemoration leaves Troqueer Church at 10.30am and will re-enact the walk of Jesus carrying the

It follows a route which ends up in the town centre and Roy Watson of the DCN said it is expected to be “a very moving and spiritual experience”.

He said: “Easter is upon us with celebrations of the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus taking place in churches all over
the world. In Dumfries the DCN has also organised special services throughout Holy Week to celebrate this – these being held in the evening and ending on Easter Sunday with a Sunrise Service on the Mill Green starting at 8am. All are welcome to any or all of these services and details of them can be found on the many posters situated throughout the town.”

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