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Defib money raised after popular Neil’s death

THE heartbroken family and friends of a popular Dumfries man – who tragically died of a suspected heart attack – are raising money for more defibrillators to be placed around the town.

Well-known taxi driver and Queen of the South FC supporter Neil Craik, 59, lost his life last week due to a suspected heart attack in Troqueer.

Neil’s family rushed to him when made aware of the situation and his son managed to get the defib system from the Toll Bar on New Abbey Road in the town, however it was still too late.

As a tribute to Neil, his family and friends have now started a fundraiser to help buy the lifesaving machine for Troqueer Road. And if they raise enough they plan to acquire more for around the town.

Neil’s son-in-law Stuart Mcfrew stated that enough cash has already been raised to purchase the first defibrillator.

He said this week: “The response has been absolutely amazing. The target now is to raise money for a second system which will be placed within Dumfries, however the more money raised, the more defibs we purchase for areas throughout Dumfries and Galloway. So more money raised, the more defibs will be placed in Neil’s memory.

“The potential of these machines could save numerous lives. For all we know, if one had been closer to us on the worst night our family has ever had, we may have been able to save him.

“Sadly this wasn’t the case, however we hope that doing this may just help many more in the future.

“Something being put in Neil’s name like this, we know he would have shed a tear and it would make him proud knowing this has been done.

“He was well-loved and had the biggest heart which I think everyone will agree with.”

The crowdfunder has now passed the £2100 mark and you can still donate by visiting:

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