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Kirkcudbright Parish Players to present evening of coffee and crime
Kirkcudbright Parish Players are preparing for an evening of coffee and crime

If you like a spot of intrigue with your coffee, then Kirkcudbright Parish Church Hall is the place to be on March 22 and 23 when the Parish Players present their evening of coffee and crime.

There will be no murders in the church hall this year, but there are two highly entertaining one-act plays centring on a couple of very suspicious burglaries.

The first one, Sherlock Holmes’ Last Case by Charlie Cook, is an affectionate spoof on the famous Conan Doyle stories, with Holmes investigating the loss of a diamond only to find out some shocking truths.

After an interval with tea, coffee and biscuits, you can meet another super-sleuth in the shape of Inspector Quaker of the Yard, the title character in Peter Stallard’s comedy whodunnit.

Putting the local constabulary to shame, he solves the strange case of the husband, missing off the mantelpiece. Intrigued? All will be revealed on the night.

Mishaps and Mayhems – a night of coffee and crime – will be presented in the Parish Church Hall on Friday, March 22 and Saturday, March 23 at 7.30pm.

Tickets cost £6 for adults and £3 for juniors and are now available in Thomson’s Newsagent.

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