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Vital repair works at Palnackie harbour finally begin
Scottish Water has started work at Palnackie Harbour (Image: Les Snowdon)

Vital repair works to the harbour wall at Palnackie Harbour finally got under way on Monday.

The work followed damage last year by a third party carrying out works in the harbour which put the Scottish Water waste water asset at risk.

The work, which was agreed with the Marine Directorate, will see over 1,000 tonnes of rock and gravel being moved into the harbour to form a temporary barrier.

The bund will stabilise the worst section of the failed wall and banking which has been subsiding – posing a threat to the integrity of Palnackie’s main sewer and waste water treatment works.

The initial phase of the work will take around four weeks to complete.

Following this, applications to Marine Directorate will be submitted to carry out permanent repair works.

The permanent works will ensure the long-term stability of the harbour wall while also returning the harbour to its full width.

Ross McEwan, project manager at Scottish Water said; “Starting on site represents a significant milestone in our work to repair the harbour wall and ensure the integrity and safety of our asset.

“Our delivery partners, George Leslie, have attempted to start these works on a number of occasions but have faced a number of challenges.

“We hope that this highlights our commitment to delivering these essential works in the community and will continue our dialogue with local stakeholders.”

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