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Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary

, M J Richardson,

Patient data was “acquired” during a “focused and ongoing” cyber attack on NHS Dumfries and Galloway

Published1 hour agoLuke JarmynBBC Scotland Dumfries

A health board says its services are “generally running as normal” after being targeted with a “focused” cyber attack.

NHS Dumfries and Galloway is working with Police Scotland, the National Cyber Security Centre and the Scottish government after the attack on its IT systems on Friday.

The health board for the south west of Scotland previously warned that sensitive patient and staff data may have been accessed by hackers.

It said there remains a risk that services could be disrupted and work into the full impact of the incursion is ongoing.

The health board confirmed “there is reason to believe” the IT breach has led to confidential patient data being “acquired” and stolen by the hackers.

Jeff Ace, NHS Dumfries and Galloway’s chief executive, provided an update amid widespread concerns and speculation.

In a statement, he said that “a very great effort is being made to address this situation, and to try to prevent it from being repeated”.

, NHS Dumfries and Galloway,

Chief executive Jeff Ace says services are “generally running as normal”

Mr Ace highlighted that “confidentiality is a key priority”.

He added: “This is a live criminal investigation, and we are very limited in what we can say.

“A great deal of work is required in order to say with assurance what data may have been obtained, and we are not yet in that position.

“However, it has been noted, there is reason to believe those responsible may have acquired patient and staff-specific data.”

Police Scotland’s investigation into the incident is ongoing.

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