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Stewartry SWI hold spring show in Dalbeattie
The trophy winners with Stewartry SWI president Lesley Malcolmson (Image: Bobby Geddes)

There was a good turnout of members and the general public at the SWI Spring Show held in Dalbeattie Church Hall on Saturday.

Trophy winners

Handbury Trophy (institute with most points): Gatehouse Castlehill Trophy (best exhibit small bulbs): Gill Smith (Glenlochar).

Southwick Trophy (best exhibit tulips): Catherine Proudlock.

Jean Austin Trophy (best exhibit in various): Andrea Irving (Haugh of Urr).

Cunninghame Trophy (best exhibit floral art): Annie Kelly (Crocketford).

Lorna Robson Memorial Trophy (best exhibit daffodils): Jean Davidson (Lochrutton).

Mary McGarrie Memorial Prize (best exhibit hyacinths): Catherine Proudlock (Gatehouse).

M G Clement Memorial Trophy (President’s choice): Catherine Proudlock (Gatehouse).

V C Young Plate (exhibitor with most points in show): Catherine Proudlock (Gatehouse).

Ena Fraser Memorial Salver (most outstanding exhibit, excl floral art): Jean Adams (Twynholm).

Jessie Picken Trophy (community work): Twynholm.

Elizabeth Smith, Andrea Irving and Marion Gourlay from Haugh of Urr with their collection of trophies

Elizabeth Smith, Andrea Irving and Marion Gourlay from Haugh of Urr with their collection of trophies
(Image: Bobby Geddes)


Blue hyacinths: 1 & 2 C Proudlock (Gatehouse); 3 G Smith (Glenlochar).

Hyacinths, any one colour: 1 & 3 C Proudlock (Gatehouse); 2 G Smith (Glenlochar).

Hyacinths, one bulb: 1 & 2 C Proudlock (Gatehouse); 3 G Smith (Glenlochar).

Daffodils, large yellow trumpet: 1 & 2 C Proudlock (Gatehouse); 3 M Sommerville (New Abbey).

Daffodils, double: 1 & 2 C Proudlock (Gatehouse); 3 M Sommerville (New Abbey).

Daffodils, Tete a Tete: 1 J Davidson (Lochrutton); 2 C Proudlock (Gatehouse); 3 G Smith (Glenlochar).

Daffodils, dwarf: 1 J Davidson (Lochrutton).

Tulips, any double: 1 & 3 C Proudlock (Gatehouse); 2 M Sommerville (New Abbey).

Tulips, any bicolour: 1 M Sommerville (New Abbey); 2 & 3 C Sutcliffe (Glenlochar).

Small bulbs, dwarf iris: 1 G Smith (Glenlochar); 2 H McConnachie (New Abbey).

Bulbs in a decorative container: 1 & 2 C Proudlock (Gatehouse).

Stewartry SWI Lesley Malcolmson president hands over the Cunningham Trophy to Annie Kelly from Crocketford

Stewartry SWI Lesley Malcolmson president hands over the Cunningham Trophy to Annie Kelly from Crocketford
(Image: Bobby Geddes)

Primroses or polyanthus, one pot, pan or bowl: 1 O Kirkpatrick (Clarebrand).

Any indoor flowering plant: 1 A Irving (Haugh of Urr); 2 & 3 J Davidson (Lochrutton).

Any indoor foliage plant: 1 J Young (Glenlochar); 2 V Farrell (Twynholm); 3 A Irving (Haugh of Urr).

Cactus or succulent: 1 O Kirkpatrick (Clarebrand); 2 & 3 A Kelly (Crocketford).

Floral art

Arrangement of tree or shrub branches: 1 A Kelly (Crocketford); 2 J Young (Glenlochar); 3 C Monk (Glenlochar).

Small arrangement, not exc 20cm: 1 J Young (Glenlochar); 2 A Kelly (Crocketford); 3 P Kingstree (Clarebrand).

Arrangement of artificial flowers and foliage in box: 1 P Kingstree (Clarebrand); 2 J Young (Lochrutton); 3 C Sutcliffe (Glenlochar).

Community Work “When Spring Comes”: 1 Twynholm, 131 pts; 2 Clarebrand 130.5 pts; 3 Haugh of Urr 129.5 pts.

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