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Dumfries and Galloway Woodlands lands six figure lottery windfall
Dumfries and Galloway Woodlands manager McNabb Laurie

A project which aims to support trees, habitats and people has hit the lottery jackpot.

Dumfries and Galloway Woodlands was formed last year in a bid to help with the responses to the climate and biodiversity crises across Dumfries and Galloway.

And it has now received nearly £200,000 from the National Lottery Heritage Fund to support its existing work and bring in additional staff.

Project manager, McNabb Laurie – who previously led the Galloway Glens scheme – said: “This is going to turbo boost the work being done, we are so grateful to everyone at the National Lottery Heritage Fund for their vote of confidence, and to National Lottery players across the country.

“We are focussed on native trees, but this is so much more than even that. Dumfries and Galloway, often seen as a peripheral or distant place, is front and centre of this international green revolution.

McNabb Laurie speaks to Springholm Primary youngsters about Acorn Day

McNabb Laurie speaks to Springholm Primary youngsters about Acorn Day

“Dumfries and Galloway’s land delivers benefits on the national stage, but the challenges are felt here. From spiking land price through to changing land use, we want to creatively and innovatively use topics such as native trees to deliver tangible projects that add value locally, driving a nature-led economy in the region.”

The organisation is supporting native tree planting schemes across the region and has also been visiting schools and Dumfries Prison as part of its community engagement work.

The award of £194,190 will allow two new staff to be hired as well as provide advice and guidance on native tree planting, support intern opportunities, increase public engagement and develop innovative community andprivate sector partnerships that deliver public amenity and biodiversity benefits across the region.

National Lottery Heritage Fund director for Scotland, Caroline Clark, said: “Building on existing local knowledge, experience, and success from Galloway Glens this project puts community engagement and involvement at the centre of taking action on the climate and biodiversity.

“The programme is wide-ranging through school workshops and tree planting events to developing land acquisition proposals and partnerships with the public and private sector.

“The project offers an exciting prospect of bringing together a lot of ambition in Dumfries and Galloway with a new focus on working together for the environment and the community.”

For more information about Dumfries and Galloway Woodlands, visit

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