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Dalbeattie couple celebrate 65th wedding anniversary
Dalbeattie couple Tony and Hester Gillcrist (Image: Jim McEwan)

A devoted Dalbeattie couple celebrated their blue sapphire wedding anniversary on Tuesday – and chalked up a remarkable 65 years together as man and wife.

Tony and Hester Gillcrist are currently enjoying a few days holiday in the Lake District after six and a half decades of wedded bliss.

The couple first got together after Tony met Colvend girl Hester Hastings while on holiday in Kippford in 1955.

A year later he proposed at Portling, and the pair tied the knot at St Peter’s Church on March 12, 1959.

Tony has a simple recipe for long-time love – kindness and appreciation.

He told the News: “Never take each other for granted – that’s very important.

“I’m still courting Hester after 65 years.

“That’s how we’ve managed after all this time.

“We have a loving family round about us and our daughter Fiona face-times Hester and I every day.

“And our son Ralph, who’s in Canada, is in touch at least four times a week.”

Sixty-five years on from their wedding day, Tony and Hester, who also have three grandchildren, are still going strong.

He will celebrate his 88th birthday in April while Hester passed the same milestone in December, and is four months his senior.

Tony, who is originally from Manchester, moved to Eastriggs as a 16 year-old.

Tony and Hester on their wedding day

Tony and Hester on their wedding day

After he and Hester married, Tony went into the forces and saw service in the Far East and Middle East.

Hester was an administration officer with the Forestry Commission.

Daughter Fiona was born at East Auchensheen at Colvend in May 1960 and became a school teacher.

Tony entered the civil service in London and son Ralph was born in June 1963.

Ralph is now retired from his job as chief executive officer of an oil exploration company based in Calgary, Canada.

Tony retired in 1996 but continued as a consultant until 1998 when the couple moved back to Galloway.

The couple keep active – although Tony is taking things a wee bit easier than previously.

“Up until a few years ago I was still hillwalking,” he said.

“I was a Forestry Commission volunteer amenity ranger at Screel. I put up waymarkers and repaired paths.

“But I had a couple of stents put in and now we just go for walks every day.

“Hester and I must clock up 40 miles a week.”

Tony and Hester received a card of congratulations from King Charles on Tuesday, their 65th anniversary day.

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