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Meet Lockerbie Riding of the marches principals at gala queen vote
Lockerbie Cornet’s Lass Anna Kennedy

Lockerbie will go to the polls tonight choose its annual Gala Queen.

All those aged over 18 from in and around the town are welcome to call in to the town hall between 6pm and 8pm to cast their vote. There are three candidates to choose from – Keilly-Shae Cloy Gray, Sarah McKie and Lacey Thom.

Pupils at Lockerbie Academy – which the three girls attend – will not be able to vote tonight as they have been given the opportunity to cast their votes through the school online secure voting system.

Lockerbie Cornet, Kieran Patterson

Lockerbie Cornet, Kieran Patterson

As well as the voting, the Lockerbie ROM committee will have various stalls and games, a raffle and a cake stall (cash only) for which donations of prizes and home baking would be much appreciated.

It will also be a chance to meet this year’s principals-elect – Cornet Kieran Patterson, Cornet’s Lass Anna Kennedy and Standard Bearer Lori Mossop.

Lockerbie Standard Bearer Lori Mossop

Lockerbie Standard Bearer Lori Mossop

They will be sashed at the Gala Queen crowning ceremony on Saturday, May 25, ahead of the Gala Day on Saturday, June 8.

Six P1 pupils were randomly picked from Lockerbie and surrounding schools to make up this year’s royal retinue as junior attendants.

They are: page girl Amelia Chambers; flower girl Lottie Ramsay; and attendants Katie Boyd, Mairi Bodell, Ashley Dobson and Devahn MacDonald.

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