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Hundreds of Dumfries High pupils learn about world of work at careers fair
Hayley McKerlie with Layla and Honor (Image: Jim McEwan)

It was a busy day at Dumfries High School on Wednesday as hundreds of pupils took the chance to find out more about their possible future steps in life at the annual on-campus careers fair.

Private companies, further and higher education institutions, police and fire services, and utilities were among the organisations setting up display stands in the main hall.

Sophie and Ava talk to Stephen Norris from the Dumfries and Galloway Standard

Sophie and Ava talk to Stephen Norris from the Dumfries and Galloway Standard
(Image: Jim McEwan)

The Dumfries and Galloway Standard also attended the 9am to 2pm show – and attracted a steady stream of young people keen to learn more about journalism as a profession.

Jan Kilmurry, Dumfries High School’s Developing the Young Workforce (DWP) lead, said the day was principally aimed at helping pupils make the right decision about career pathways – and to prepare and inform them ahead of the subject options process, which begins next month.

Verity, Chloe and Heather with Lena Barbour and Anne Croucher from Tesco

Verity, Chloe and Heather with Lena Barbour and Anne Croucher from Tesco
(Image: Jim McEwan)

She told the Standard: “Our careers fair is an annual event that takes place just before the pupils take their subject choices.

“Up to 50 companies were represented at the fair and the pupils had the opportunity to speak to all the employers, colleges, universities and agencies.

“In addition, S3 pupils spent the morning attending workshops across a range of industry sectors as well as attending the careers fair.

“It was a fantastic opportunity for the young people to find out about main career pathways and possible destinations, employment and modern apprenticeships, careers choices and applying to colleges and universities.”

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