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Stewartry community projects to share more than £170,000
Southwest RNR boss Robin Hood (Image: Jim McEwan)

Community projects across the Stewartry are set to share a cash boost of more than £170,000.

Food hubs, sports pitches and schemes to tackle climate change are among the initiatives to benefit from the Community Led Local Development (CLLD) programme.

More than £600,000 is available across the region after a local action group featuring representatives from the third, public and private sectors decided which applicants were successful, with Third Sector Dumfries and Galloway providing administrative support.

Local action group chairman, Harry Harbottle, said: “The CLLD fund provides a vital support line for many community projects, particularly those that support the most vulnerable in our society.

“We have been amazed by the creativity that voluntary sector groups have demonstrated in their efforts to tackle the effects of declining public services and enduring poverty. We have also been able to fund local environmental projects that assist communities protect and enhance neighbourhood assets and prepare them for a more carbon neutral future.”

One of the big winners was Auchencairn Climate Transition.

It has received nearly £26,000 for a community workshop to repair and maintain bikes and e-bikes for the community, with other workshops and training days looking at sustainability, recycling and saving money. The group also received a further grant of nearly £3,000 for community market days.

Gatehouse Development Initiative also received two awards. One, worth nearly £60,000, was to go to their community-led project to offer affordable homes to people with a local connection to the town. The group also received nearly £16,000 towards creating a new sports pitch in the town’s primary school.

Another big winner was Southwest Scotland RNR, which offers HGV training for armed forces veterans. It received more than £14,000 to put six more veterans through their training.

Charity boss Robin Hood from Mossdale said: “Not only does the grant enable veterans to get their lives back and have dignity and self-respect, it also helps out the entire region’s economy. Individuals are no longer claiming benefits but instead are paying income tax and council tax.

“Counselling is no longer required and this takes the pressure off the NHS. Veterans are spending in their local community and delivering the region’s goods, which boosts the economy, and the individuals’ families are happier helping the next generation develop.”

Castle Douglas Development Forum received £3,000 to help develop an action plan for sustainable and environmentally friendly practices and a further award of nearly £3,000 to create a local place plan. Buittle Quest received £6,000 for a similar project.

Clanwell Hive was allocated nearly £10,000 for family activity days in the Glenkens, with more than £16,000 going towards the Glenkens Food Hub project.

The development of Gatehouse of Fleet Community Centre received more than £12,000.

And a similar amount was awarded to Loreburn Housing Association to install environmental sensors in 20 homes at Carsons Knowe in New Galloway.

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