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Dumfries Lenten lunches for Christian Aid set to begin
Dr Alison Wright, convener of the Dumfries and District Christian Aid committee, and secretary Margaret Morton

A Dumfries institution that has been held on the six Fridays of Lent for more than 40 years will run again from next week.

The fundraising Lenten lunches will support Christian Aid and will be prepared by teams from churches of all denominations across Dumfries.

The first is on Friday, February 15 and the last will be on March 22 – all served up in St John’s Church Hall on Lovers Walk from noon until 1.30pm – and all are welcome.

Dr Alison Wright, convener of the Dumfries and District Christian Aid committee, said: “We were pleased how well the lunches went last year on our post-Covid restart and are looking forward to this year’s soup lunches.

“We hope to raise as much money as in previous years for Christian Aid. This year Easter – and, hence, Lent – are early so the Dumfries adage ‘you know spring is coming when the Lenten lunches start’ is especially true.

“The hall is always busy, there is a great atmosphere, and the soup is always good. We are grateful to the teams from 11 churches who will over the weeks provide soup and the sales tables.

“The cash raised will go towards ongoing development opportunities in poor countries of the world.

“Last year we raised enough money to provide 42 mobile health clinics which help ensure more mothers and children can get what they need from antenatal checkups to vital immunisations.

“So the money we raise this year will also go to a very good cause.”

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